New Bothwell homicide victim had a very bubbly spirit according to her friend of 10 years, Carolyn Summerville.

“She was kind, so generous to a fault and she cared about people all the time. She always cared about people.”

Swain's son Trevor Farley, 37, has been charged with first-degree murder concerning her death and second-degree murder in the relation to the victim in the home in Winnipeg who was the accused's father, Stuart Farley.

t did so much for each other and we cared about each other and I took care of her mother for 2 ½ years.”

Summerville continues, “She was wonderful at gardening and she would share with me. I could pick what I wanted.”

Judy at Folkfest with Carolyn's daughter

But it wasn’t just Summerville that Swain had a special relationship with, she shares that Judy helped her daughter as well and joined the Summerville’s on family events including wedding preparations this past June.

“Judy came to my house the day before Lydia got married and we all put together fruit cups and two big salads for their supper on the rehearsal night. We all worked together. It took us about, I don't know 2 1/2 hours to do all that, but we all just we just laughed and talked.”

Summerville recalls celebrating a special event with her friend in 2019,

Judy at the Oakridge Cafe in 2019 “It was her birthday and we took her to Oakridge. The lady who I cleaned the house for came with us as well. But I didn't have any gift for her (Judy) and I thought 'well, here I am at Oakridge, there's plenty of stuff here and Judy loved aprons. Colourful, all kinds of colourful stuff. Basically lemon, lemon lines and green and yellow and purple, and so I saw an apron there, that was so colourful. I got it for her and she just loved it. She loved all the stuff that we had done there. We have pictures and video of her laughing.”

Summerville remembers another conversation with Swain, a week before she was killed, where Judy had shared excitedly about her conversation with two neighbouring farmers. She had told them she was going to make her farm an organic farm,

“And she said, "I have two other farmers around me downright connected to me and they are all in agreement." They would do it too. And as we were talking on the phone, one of those farmers was on his tractor, putting manure on her farm. And said, "Oh no. They're already starting!" And she was so, so excited.”

The tribute to her friend continues, “You know, it was just a really great relationship. I've never heard anybody, even if I didn't know these people, but I've never heard anybody who, even knew Judy, say she had ugly words to say to anybody or that she was selfish and mean. She sacrificed herself. She did everything to help anybody. She would do anything to help them do whatever they needed.”

Though Summerville admits her friend was not perfect and had made some bad choices in her life, “Judy was just a giving, giving, loving, loving person. She just cared about everybody.”