Taxes in the RM of Piney remain unchanged for the coming fiscal year.

Reeve Wayne Anderson says the mill rate will stay 12.09 as it has for the past six years. He notes his RM tends to favor growing its tax base over simply raising taxes.

“We have been working towards getting more people to move out here because we don’t want our residents to wither away and die,” states Anderson, “and one of the ways we do that is by keeping our mill rate steady.”

Though taxes are being held, Anderson says most residents will see a slight bump in the amount they owe the municipality as the average assessment of homes in the region has increased by 9.9 per cent.

“That’s actually good news for the RM,” quantifies the reeve, “drainage is being improved and farmland is desirable again. You don’t want your assessment to go down, you want it to go up.”

Meanwhile, Piney’s most costly projects planned for the coming year are upgrading a few bridges that cross the Sprague river, paving roadways in a few of their rural communities, and constructing a new development in Woodridge.