Steinbach Mayor Earl Funk is looking forward to seeing more growth in 2024. 

He is excited to see growth in residential areas and expects there will be a fair amount of activity. 

“And pretty much all of our developments now also have a multi-family component, so hopefully the multi-family component will grow.” 

Funk is also looking forward to growth in the commercial sector, including further hospital expansions, the operating rooms at Bethesda, and improving the intersection at Loewen and Brandt. 

"A project that we've had to put off and on for the last two years is the Loewen intersection. Really looking forward to that getting going so that corner can actually move the amount of vehicles that go through that corner.” 

He says it is going to be a two year project, and once it is done, it should take care of the backups.  

“Right now there's wait times, it backs up, but when that intersection is done it will move the amount of traffic that is going through there much better, much more easily. I think it should take care of us for many years to come.” 

Funk also mentions the Event Centre is targeted to open up in the fall of 2024. 

“We are really expecting and hoping our community to use that center to meet and have all their sports there and their activities.” 

He believes it will be a great addition to the southeast. 

“We're just really looking forward to that opening up and being able to use it, and seeing all the many different teams and organizations that will be able to be part of that Event Centre.”