Hub International Game Recap

Rookie goaltender Beck Liden was nothing short of sensational as the 18-year-old made 45 saves in Steinbach's 4-1 win over the Selkirk Steelers on Tuesday night.

Heading into the contest, Steinbach would be without three key defenders meaning more of a work load for David Cote, Spencer Penner, Shane Burns, Liam Doyle, forward turned defender Dawson McCann and AP call-up Eric Cote.

The opening minutes were packed with action for both clubs.

Steinbach had a chance to get on the board when Liam Doyle crept in from the blue line, took a pass in the slot, and rang a shot off the post. The Steelers managed to grab the puck and race up the ice, scoring the first goal of the game just over two minutes into.

Liden would not be beaten again.

Selkirk pushed for more but Liden turned away several great opportunities, keeping his club down by just a single marker.

Leo Chambers must have found a four-leaf clover early as the captain tied the game in the weirdest of ways.

After an incredible backcheck by Jackson Kostiuk stopped a Steelers attempted rush up ice, the puck was freed up to Jamie Fuchs who burst through a couple of Steelers and into the zone. Fuch dished off the Chambers who had come off the bench and tore into the zone. Chambers fired a shot that went off a defender's shinpads, off the back glass behind the net, back out hitting the Selkirk goalie, and going in.

The 1-1 score held through the first period with Steinbach leading in shots 16-13.

In the second, more chances and shots piled up for Selkirk but Liden refused to let anything past him.

Brett Kaiser extended his point streak to 4 games as he deflected a shot from Kirk Mullen for his 7th of the year. Trey Sauder who got the play started from the corner also picked up an assist.

Time and time again, Liden handled everything the Steelers threw his way, keeping his team up 2-1 despite being outshot 17-11.

Steinbach would get some insurance off the stick of Sam Noad who took a pass from Kaiser in the neutral zone, turned on the jets, burned around the Steelers defender, and slipped a backhand home for his 5th, making it a 3-1 game.

The heavy minutes logged by some of the Pistons began to show and the Steelers had lengthy spells of puck control in the offensive zone. 

Try as they might to find the equalizer, Liden stopped everything. From jam plays around the net to point shots, to grade-A slot shots to deflections. Liden had an answer for everything and several times in the third, he bailed his team out with 10-bell saves.

With the net empty, Steinbach sealed the game thanks to Sauders 18th from Chambers and former Steeler Spence Penner.

Liden was named the game's 1st start making 45 saves in what would be the best performance of his young MJHL career to date.

Steinbach's power play was 0-1 while the penalty kill was 1-1.

Steinbach will next see action on Friday night when they head to the Hockey For All Centre in Winnipeg to matchup against the Blues. They'll return home for a Saturday night rematch against the Steelers at the HyLife Centre in La Broquerie.