Construction is well underway on what may eventually become a leading tourist attraction in the RM of La Broquerie.

A unique steel bridge crossing the Seine River just Northeast of the La Vérendyre Golf Course will commemorate 138 pioneers of La Broquerie.

“Everything starts with a dream and I have had a dream for a long time to have a covered bridge in our municipality,” says Councillor Laurent Tétrault, who has spearheaded much of the historical research vital to the final product.

For any municipality, a bridge is a significant piece of infrastructure but to Tétrault it means much much more. For decades, Tétrault has worked towards bettering the region he calls home and this is an attempt to do just that. He believes the bridge is a way of memorializing his community’s history while investing in it’s future.

“It is a very big and exciting project,” he comments, “it is going to be unique in Manitoba and we hope it will attract a lot of tourists.”
that will eventually connect La Broquerie to the nearby golf course.

“Everybody is very excited," says Tétrault, rather giddy himself. “When you have a project like this, who can be against it? Especially when it is donated to the municipality and will not cost the ratepayers a lot of money.”

The contracted company, Behlen Industries, is expected to be finished the bridge by mid-April. Meanwhile, the walking paths around it will be developed throughout the coming months.