Starting June 1st, Jake Epp Library in Steinbach will now be open on Mondays. 

Emmalyn Latigay, Library Director at Jake Epp Library, says they decided on this change as it just made sense. 

She informs that staff are working in the building on Mondays, so why not just open the doors? 

“Although we are not open to the public on Mondays, we are here, so why not open, you know?” 

Latigay has seen first-hand that the community would benefit from this change. 

“The library is closed on Monday. There are a lot of people that come here at 10am or 11am or sometimes on my lunch break, ‘Oh, you're closed.’” 

The Jake Epp Library is undergoing another change, as they are looking to hire two part-time community program specialists.

“One that's focused on child and youth, and the other one that's for adults and seniors.” 

Latigay informs the hours are currently 20 hours per week maximum, but it can go up to 35 hours a week in the future.