The Ste. Anne Public Library is especially busy these days as changes are made to improve accessibility in the building. 

Town councillor Jeremy Wiens says it is important that everyone feels comfortable in the library, and that means books need to be easier to reach. 

“Volunteers are a huge asset to the library,” he notes. “We have a number of people that come by, give up their time and just contribute to different things, whether it's moving books, whether it's adjusting shelves.” 

Wiens says there are several things that can improve accessibility and they decided to start with adjusting the height of shelves. 

“We’re looking into different things as well, what we need to do to make it so that the Ste. Anne Library is there for everybody,” he says. “And so, just different things that we've looked into, and we saw that shelving was probably the biggest thing we need to start with.” 

Wiens says volunteers have also stepped up in many areas that will benefit everyone who accesses the library. 

“There's always these little jobs that always needed to get done and volunteers are a great asset that we have that do those little jobs.” 

Big or small, he notes volunteer contributions always make the library experience better for everyone. 

As they continue to work on improving accessibility in the library, Wiens notes they are also exploring various programming that can happen in the space. 

Yoga, for example, happens in the library. Wiens says the goal is to turn the library into a place that is appealing and enjoyable to everyone, regardless of age or interests. 

If you would like to become one of the volunteers at the Ste. Anne Public Library, be sure to give them a call, (204)422-9958, or send them an e-mail: