The Planning Manager for the Rural Municipality of Hanover says now is the time to speak out. Jeremy Neufeld is referring to an open house being planned for Monday evening at the municipal office.

Neufeld says they have been working on a Development Plan review for the last 18 months. Monday's open house from 5:30 pm to 8 pm will provide an informal opportunity for residents to see the plans, speak with consultants and voice any concerns or opinions.

Neufeld says being a rural municipality, agricultural policies have been a major theme of their Development Plan historically. He notes because of growth in recent years, this new plan will diversify beyond agricultural policies. That means a major focus will be to develop commercial entities along highway commercial corridors between Steinbach and Blumenort as well as Steinbach and Mitchell. In the Development Plan, they also hope to have better infill policies to allow for more flexibility in rural areas.

Neufeld says there will be more modern urban policies in the Development Plan to address the growing number of people moving into their urban centres. According to Neufeld, between 55-60% of all new residential housing in Hanover is happening in their urban centres. He says five years ago it would have been more like 30-40%.

"Anybody who is looking at potentially doing some sort of development or making significant changes to land use on their properties, this is a very important process," notes Neufeld. "It's a chance for the consultants, for us as administration to hear those concerns and see how if possible we can work that into the plan."

Neufeld says once they are done with the open houses, the municipality will hold a public hearing. After that, the plan will be referred to the provincial minister for review.