Grunthal Motocross kicks off their first races of the year this weekend. 

Aaron Toews with Grunthal Motocross says last year they got a new board running the track. 

"And I think we figured it out pretty good last year. In our May race, we had 300 spectators and in our August race we had 1,200. So we're hoping that carries over into this first race this weekend now.” 

Toews says last year, they had a lot of people who mentioned it felt like the good old days. 

He says so many people grew up watching motocross, and now they are bringing their kids to watch motocross and they are falling in love with it all over again. 

“The board that's running the track right now, everybody rides and lots of us have kids that are in it now too. So we built a little mini track in the infield, so kids on 50s are riding that, while the big guys are riding on the big track and we can all ride together and have a good time.” 

On Saturday they will have free practice from 10am-4pm. They plan to hold 15-20 minute motos for each class. 

After the practice tomorrow, they will have pit bike racing. 

“There are different classes for that as well. That can be as much fun to watch as the big bikes on Sunday.” 

On Sunday, they will begin the races at 8:30am and they will run untill about 6pm.

Each class will do two motos. There will be morning moto, an intermission, and then afternoon moto. 

They will also have a canteen running on Saturday and Sunday with burgers, hot dogs, and drinks. 

This is a family-friendly event, and Toews encourages families with kids of all ages to come out. 

To register for different classes or learn more, visit their website 


With files from Dave Anthony