A grade 12 student from the SRSS is tackling the issue of girls dropping out of sports at a very early age. 

Peyton Kehler, a basketball player with the SRSS Sabres, says Shoot to Inspire is an initiative she is taking on as part of her Global Issues class.  

“I'm using Shoot to Inspire to help girls fall in love with basketball, learn the fundamentals of it, and see the beauty of the sport, but also to show them that athletics is a community and you can find belonging and learn from others around you.” 

Kehler says it’s more than just an assignment to her, she is doing this because sports are a massive part of her life. 

“Basketball started for me in Grade 5 and it's impacted my world greatly. I think I'm a better person because of sports and because of the people I've met through sport, and all the different communities I've had an opportunity to play in. I'd love to see another girl impacted that way by basketball.” 

The basketball camp is on Saturday and Sunday, January 20 and 21. 

The focus of the camp will be on teaching the fundamentals of basketball and building confidence in the players’ skills and abilities. 

Kehler is also having a speaker from Toronto come out. 

“Her name is Tash and she's been a role model in my life for the last couple of years as she runs her own camps out that way, and has a nonprofit organization that's tendered to keep women in sport.” 

To get involved, visit Instagram @shoot_to_inspire_ and click the link in the bio. 

As Kehler graduates this year, she has applied to a couple of universities. 

She shares her plans on what she hopes to study. 

“I'd really love to fall somewhere in the either social work or the political field, so political science has had a piece of my heart for a couple of years now, so I'd love to go into that. And then social work as well as social sciences has interested me.” 

Kehler adds she would love to play basketball during post-secondary. 


With files from Carly Koop