With the freezing drizzle we had throughout the day on Friday, city crews have been hard at work getting some grit on the streets and sidewalks throughout the city. 

Randy Reimer, Head of Public Works for the City of Steinbach, says their sidewalk plow, as well as sanding trucks, have been running all day to try and cover all the icy spots as best they can. He notes when it comes to Main Street, it can be tricky to get every single spot. 

"The sidewalks to some degree are going to be slippery and it's pretty well impossible to cover every area of the sidewalk. Like on Main Street, we've got light standards, we've got trees and that kind of thing to be able to get every square inch around some of these areas is hard. There are going to be slippery spots that people are going to have to be aware of." 

Reimer adds it's a joint effort between the city and business owners to ensure the entrance to their businesses aren't slippery. For people who want to go out for walks, Reimer encourages them to get grippers to put under their shoes for extra grip on the sidewalks.