Volunteers of a local animal rescue were once again part of an amazing rescue story.

This time, a female dog is given a chance for a good life, thanks to an alert passenger in a car traveling down a highway and to the team that waded through deep snow to offer help.

Sandra Watson with Steinbach and Area Animal Rescue wrote up this rescue story, saying that while traveling down the Trans-Canada highway, a passenger in a car spotted something in the deep snow and stopped to check it out.

Graham Pollock was also part of the rescue team and captured the moment on video.

He says the mission took place east of Richer on the Trans-Canada highway and it was immediately clear that the dog was uncomfortable to move, even with help.

It was the morning after a two-day blizzard and this dog appeared to have been huddled in the snow for a while, based on the amount of urine around her body.

Watson writes, “She was too cold/sore/scared to walk, and as much as we tried to encourage her walk, we had to pull her out on a tarp, which wasn’t easy because of the deep snow.”

The volunteer reports that the dog was not spayed, micro-chipped or tattooed and has had puppies in the past.

Based on the dog’s condition, they believed she would not be claimed, and she wasn’t.

But Watson reports the animal rescue has already had dozens of people wanting to adopt her, even though she’s not quite ready yet to move into her “furever home.”