A subdivision application is being considered for the community of Richer. 

Council held a public hearing recently for a proposal to subdivide an existing 8.99-acre lot to create 17 residential lots, both single-family, double-family and multi-unit residences, as well as two commercial lots, two public reserves including a new public road off Therrien Drive. 

Wery Lane is the proposed name for the new road. 

Council expressed interest in the plan with some reservations regarding drainage. 

Written submissions from the public included concerns about the number of lots being planned for the area as well as drainage. 

It was noted at the hearing that various provincial departments also made comments about the proposal. Some of the themes of those comments were surrounding wastewater management, small lot sizes, road maintenance, zoning requirements, lack of emergency exit route, and drainage. 

Reeve Richard Pelletier expressed appreciation for the desire to invest in the community. He felt it appropriate for council to adjourn the hearing rather than close it. 

Council will re-open the hearing on August 23rd with the expectation that they will have more information by that date which will help them decide if they will approve the application.