It took just over 20 hours for Bethesda Regional Health Centre in Steinbach to welcome this year's New Year's baby.  
Maia Marie was born to Travis and Daniela Wiens of Blumenort on January 1st at 8:42 pm. She weighed nine pounds and 10 ounces and measured 21.25 inches long.

"A big baby," says her mother.

Wiens says her due date was December 20th and so the thought of having a New Year's baby never crossed her mind.

"If anything, I was thinking she should go before her due date," admits Wiens. "My first was also very overdue."

Wiens says when they arrived at the hospital, they learned that the New Year's baby had not yet been born and says their midwife also knew that no home births had happened yet. 

"Once it got going it went fast," she says. 

According to Wiens, their daughter's middle name is named after a grandparent. But she says deciding on her name was no easy task.

"We filled out the birth registration the minute before leaving," she says. "So, it was a very last-minute decision."

Maia Marie Wiens has a two-year-old sister, named Layah. 

"She is very excited," says Wiens. "She is already helping with diaper changes and sharing her stuffies."