Agape House is getting ready for their annual Teddy Bear Fun Day and could still use a few more volunteers. 

Agape House is a safe place for individuals fleeing domestic violence. Outreach Worker Lisa Fast says they also hold events like the Teddy Bear Fun Day to promote healthy relationships and bring awareness to the issues facing many families. 

She notes the big event is coming up on June 1st. 

“It's become quite the beloved tradition here in the community, bringing together different families, organizations, and supporters for a day of free, fun-filled activities. This year we're anticipating an even larger turnout so it's going to be quite memorable. We're going to have over 10 stations for kiddos and families to visit, and a wonderful draw prize from Canadian Tire.” 

a white woman with blue eyes smiles at the cameraLisa Fast is an Outreach Worker for Steinbach's Agape House

And, of course, Fast says every child is encouraged to bring their teddy bears with them, especially if they could use some repair. 

“We do have a clinic available for those that need to get their teddies fixed up a little bit and you can also walk out with an adopted teddy bear as well.” 

She notes the Teddy Bear Fun Day is always a highlight in the year, but it’s also a lot of work and they could still use some help. 

“We're still looking for a few volunteers to help us out with the setup and clean up, the event is from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, so the time commitment isn't that long.” 

If you are interested in volunteering, you are asked to e-mail or call their business line which can be found on the Agape House website

In addition to the Teddy Bear Fun Day, Fast says they are trying to expand their outreach and awareness this year. 

“Next week we actually are going to be in Ginew for National Moose Hide Campaign Day, which is honouring those that have lost their lives to gender-based violence. We're going to be there at the school doing a free community barbecue and a walk for violence. We're always doing events, make sure to check our social media to see what's coming up next.” 

three women hold teddy bear signsPhoto supplied by Agape House