Two local churches, one Protestant, the other Catholic, are joining forces this week to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Pastor Terry Gudmundson of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Steinbach says it has become a tradition to mark the week by taking turns holding a joint service with the St. Joachim Catholic Parish in La Broquerie.

"For the last six years, I believe we have been working with our brothers and sisters from the St. Joachim Parish in La Broquerie. We had a couple of fellows form our congregations that are friends and joined together from mutual work engagements and, from there, was born the idea to connect for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity service."

Gudmundson says at a time when there is so much disunity in the world, it's wonderful to focus on the many common points with other churches.

"There is so much disunity in the world and it's really wonderful to realize that through all the differences that we do have, that there are more similarities actually, far more similarities, than we have differences and it's good to reflect on The One who makes us all the same family. We all worship the same God, we are all drawn together by Christ in the same way and it's a good time to focus on that."

The joint service takes place Tuesday evening at 7:00 at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Steinbach and is open to all.