Over 95 pieces of artwork by local artists opened to the public Friday evening at the 19th annual Southeast Open Judged Art Exhibit.

Program Coordinator Cassandra Milchark says the evening plays out like a community gathering where parents, grandparents, and friends come to support each local artist showcased in the exhibit. Milchark adds the number of pieces or mediums may fluctuate each year, but there is always a huge interest from the art community.

"Sometimes we'll have more [pieces] in one category than some, but generally we have a very large intake. People almost stomp down the door to say, my application is here, where do I pay, how do I get my stuff in. We're excited to accept all the entries and go through each one."

Milchark says she likes walking down the hallway while this exhibit runs to see all the different pieces. She adds there are artists or family members who will come in multiple times during the exhibit showcase to see their loved one's artwork.

Approximately 150 people attending the exhibit opening. The exhibit is open to view at the Steinbach Arts Centre until April 12.