The Staff Sergeant for Steinbach RCMP is urging the public to do its part in keeping thieves from swiping their belongings.

Guy Landreville says it seems there has been a slight increase in recent weeks in the number of thefts happening in the city. Landreville says when you hear of loose change being stolen out of vehicles, that is usually a case of petty theft supporting a drug addiction.

"It's a very sad situation," he says. "But for the most part that's what we're seeing."

To prevent these types of crimes and others, Landreville is offering a few tips to motorists and residents. First of all, he reminds motorists to lock their vehicles when not in use. 

"It's a lot easier than it ever has been," he says. "One touch of the remote and your vehicle is locked. And whatever alarm device is on there works as well, so that's very easy to do."

Landreville says it is also important to not leave your keys inside your vehicle when not in use. 

"Probably all vehicle thefts we are working on right now are a result of the keys being left inside the vehicle," says Landreville. "So, we're asking people to just lock your vehicles and bring your keys inside your home."

This is the case not only for vehicles parked on your driveway or street but inside your garage as well. Landreville says you can never be too careful. He notes if a thief breaks a window or cracks open a door to gain access to your garage, it will then be that much harder to steal your vehicle if there are no keys inside. And, if you then happen to hear the thief from inside your house, you can immediately call 911 and this gives police a head start at catching the criminal who may now be without a vehicle. 

In fact, Landreville says you should not leave anything of any value inside your vehicle. He notes whether it is loose change, wallets, or other valuables, these items just attract thieves in the area. 

Another piece of advice from Landreville is to lock the doors to your house and garage when you are not home. He notes this is the case both for an attached and detached garage.

"Thieves, if they come across locked doors will usually carry on and chances of us catching them in the act are increased as they go from house to house to house and are not successful," he says. 

Landreville also encourages people not to leave their bicycles, including electric bikes, outdoors overnight. He notes bicycles should be stored in your locked garage. 

And finally, Steinbach's Staff Sergeant recommends people record the serial numbers of their expensive belongings, including bicycles and electric bikes. Landreville says his officers come across a lot of stolen bikes during their daily commutes through neighbourhoods and a recorded serial number makes it easier to find the owner.

Landreville says these are simple tips that do not require much effort from the public but can assist in preventing and solving crimes.