Dads are influential in our lives and a good dad has a lot of roles in a family...he’s a coach, a comforter, a friend, a role model and most definitely he’s a teacher. From the practical things, to the life lessons, to how to deal with what life hands you.

Dads teach us helpful life lessons, touching lessons and sometimes completely hilarious lessons, and dads are here to guide us and even if they don’t have a map. Sometimes how they get us there and it might be an uneven route on that map, but we’re still watching and learning from them.

We asked, and here are just some things that you have learned from your dad.

Dads and car advice seem to go hand in hand. Many of us learned how to drive from watching our dads, then having them help us learn hands on. Often on dirt roads, in the field or on a quiet (and large) parking lot...they taught us the details of driving. Janis mentioned that her dad taught her to check the oil in her car and to make sure her fuel tank was never below ½ tank.

Monique mentioned her dad taught her how to change a tire. Michelle said her dad taught her all about mechanics which she now uses as she repairs aircraft engines. Dads are keeping us safe on the roads and the skies! Rebecca said she learned how to drive a tractor and semi and how to fix vehicles from her dad.

Tools are a big part of dads lives...what they’re used for, how to use them, and how to maintain them. Dads and tools. If you’re ever in doubt of what to buy dad? A tool! Jackie said that her dad taught her woodworking which she loves to this day and now has all the tools her dad used! And Rebecca learned how to weld from her dad.

And sometimes dads teach us by just letting us watch them walk through life. Tina and Lisa both learned from their dads how to be humble, kind and generous. Angela watched her dad show her how to work hard, be honest and encouraging to others and to always leave room for a little mischief.

Some dads also teach perseverance and to never give up on people. Mindy learned that from her dad as he encouraged her to believe she could do anything.

Dads can also teach us about the value of hard work and how to deal with our money. Kevin’s dad got really practical, teaching him to count his money twice, not just you know exactly what you have. Juliana’s dad said “There’s no such thing as a free lunch” and Marianne’s dad told her to “never play ‘big-shot’ if you can’t afford it.”

Dads also speak about the value of education, Audrey’s and Karen’s dad told them that an education is important and would result in a good job. Parry’s dad also taught him that doing his best in everything was essential.

Not all things dads teach are serious...some of them are humorous too! Michelle said her dad taught her to never pull his finger! Not sure if Audrey’s dad meant to be funny, but he told her to wait until she was 33 to get married, like he did...and according to Audrey...she did NOT listen! Warren’s dad told him “you can get used to anything, except getting poked in the eye” ....he’s not wrong...that never feels good. And Regan’s dad taught that trucks were the best first vehicle because “you fit less idiots in a standard cab”!

Dads care about who we hang out with and how we turn out. Chelsea’s dad told her choose her friends wisely. “If you hang out with the wrong crowd and your friends plan on stealing...the police won’t just take your friends; they will take you too!” Andrew’s dad told him there was no such thing as being on were either early or late.

Dad’s want to make sure we do well in life and often give us advice on our character. Gail’s dad taught her to respect her elders and to never go to bed angry. Kristen’s dad taught her how to humble herself when wrong and apologize. Penny’s dad told her to never start a fight, but to finish and not leave things unchecked.

And Bill’s dad taught him to be a man of integrity and to never speak poorly of someone behind their back. “Love often, live well and laugh lots” is something Sue learned from her dad. Melanie learned about respect and to stand up for what she believes in and to help others. And Julie, learned a lot from her dad. She learned that genetics don’t make a dad. Her dad was a man that stepped into her life after her birth, showed her love and taught her to fight hard for what she wanted.

Dads also make sure we’re not just listening to their words, but that we follow up on what we hear. Some dads teach us how to play sports, deal with our cars and live our best lives. And all dads in some way or another teach us how to love.

To all the dads out there...thank you for teaching us. Your role in our lives is important, thank you for taking the time to teach us, and especially for teaching us the important life lessons. Thank you and Happy Dad’s Day!