After a bit of a delay and some uncertainty, it was announced that Carillon Minor Baseball will make its long-awaited return to the field.

Louis Cote, the co-chair of the Carillon Minor Baseball Association, explains what is happening now and what will be happening shortly. "Practices have started this week for AAA and community baseball and our plan is to start games in early July. Baseball Manitoba is allowing games starting July 5th, they wanted a week to make sure everything was in order before we got on the field in competition."

Ballplayers of all ages have been waiting patiently to get back to doing what they love and Cote says the delayed start did have an effect on their registration numbers. "We were hoping for a June 1st start originally, that's what we geared up for, having people play into July but that's moved back into August now, obviously. The numbers are still there, I think we're at 75%-85% for the older kids for sure and the rally cap or grand slam program which is for nine and under, we don't have as much but it's understandable."

When it comes to the delay in starting, Cote says one good thing that comes out of it is that it is right in the summer months and not the crisper spring weeks. "Oh, we've had a lot of good responses," Cote says with a chuckle. "Last summer was a July and August season and we had a lot of feedback from parents saying they enjoyed coming to the diamond in July and August instead of May."

Details on the return to play and more on the upcoming season can be found here: