A warm up shelter belonging to Southeast Sno-Riders was torched last weekend. Spokesperson Dave Boutang says it happened along a snowmobile trail, about mid-way between Marchand and Woodridge.

"On Friday night, someone burned down our warm-up shelter. It was a brand new shelter. We put it there on January 2nd. It was right along the steel hydro line, that would be Trail 58 at Forestry Road 15. Somebody burned it during the night."

Boutang says the culprits lit a pile of firewood next to the building and everything was destroyed. He adds the loss is significant.

"Probably $15,000 with the solar panels and solar lights and batteries and everything like that. It is disappointing because the people who are going to suffer now are the families who normally go there and have a hot dog or take the children out to enjoy the day. It's not there anymore and we can't possibly replace it this snowmobile season."

He adds RCMP have been called in to investigate. Boutang asks anyone with information on this matter to contact RCMP.