The Manitoba Government is getting closer to completing its long-term plan for the South Perimeter Highway around Winnipeg. Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler says an international consulting firm has been developing various plans to bring that road up to a modern freeway standard. He notes this is one of the busiest roadways in the province.

"That's from where you come in on Highway #1 from Steinbach all the way around to Portage Avenue, which is a very important economic corridor, not just for Winnipeg, but for the entire province. It's a very expensive study and it's going to look at all the different intersections and also the perimeter itself."

The study looks at things like making the South Perimeter three lanes in each direction, interchanges or overpasses at every intersection and bridges over railways. The plans will be presented at open houses in December where the province wants to get feedback from the public. Schuler urges interested people to attend.

"Anybody can participate in them. We want to get feedback. But again, this is something that will lay out for the next 20-30 years, what needs to be done. It will be a substantive project."

The open houses are scheduled on the following dates:
Dec. 10 - 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Dakota Community Centre, 1188 Dakota St., Winnipeg;
Dec. 11 - 5 to 8 p.m., South Winnipeg Community Centre, 666 Silverstone Ave., Winnipeg; and
Dec. 12 - 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., Oak Bluff Recreation Club, 101-123 MacDonald Rd., Oak Bluff.

Schuler notes in addition to this study, the government is also making other safety changes to the South Perimeter.

"That's where we're going around the Perimeter and we're taking all those mud roads that have access onto the perimeter, we're removing those and trying to direct traffic either to overpasses or signalized intersections. With these two things that we are doing, we believe we are going to make the (South) Perimeter Highway far safer than it is right now. One is immediate and the other is a vision."

Schuler expects the consulting firm to present its final report to the province next spring.