Recent vandalism at the Kleefeld park will cost that community over $1,000 in repairs.

Kleefeld Recreation Association President Rosie Winter says the damage was discovered in the male and female washrooms at the park late last week.

The changing tables in the Kleefeld park washrooms have been destroyed.

“Somebody had gone into the bathrooms and broke off both change tables,” explains Winter, and the soap dispensers were completely broken and had been burned.”

With the annual Kleefeld Honey Festival coming up this weekend, Winter says the vandalism took place at a rather inconvenient time. Though the soap dispensers and the changing table are both easily replaceable, she adds they are also necessities for the upcoming event.

“People will need to change their babies and will obviously want to wash their hands with soap,” remarks Winter who says new pieces have already been ordered, “we might have to put a rush on some things but we’re hoping everything can be back to normal by Saturday.”

Meanwhile, the vandalism has other consequences too. Prior to this incident, Winter notes that the public washrooms had been intentionally left unlocked so residents could use them at all hours. Now, they will be locked up every night to decrease the opportunity for destructive acts.

Any residents who witness this kind of vandalism in the future are asked to report the matter to the Kleefeld Recreation Association.