The news director at Wild 102 radio in Roseau, Minnesota says Republican Donald Trump is the favourite candidate for President among local voters. Jack Swanson says Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton are probably the least popular candidates ever in the U.S. But he adds they have not seen the rancour over the two candidates in Roseau that has been evident in many parts of the U.S. during the election campaign that ends today. Swanson says people in Roseau and area have traditionally voted Republican.

"This particular county, we skew Republican fairly heavily so there are a lot of Donald Trump signs. I would say it would be very surprising if Donald Trump did not win this county fairly 

Jack Swansonhandily. However, Minnesota has not voted for a Republican presidential candidate since back in 1972. So, I think the State of Minnesota will likely go Democratic on the presidential side."

Swanson believes that, regardless of what happens in the election, the United States will be fine. And he says it's not unusual for the U.S. to have quirky candidates for president.

"The United States, as you folks in Canada know, have elected Richard Nixon twice. Of course, he later resigned from office before being impeached. We have had a history of electing people that are maybe out of the norm. In the State of Minnesota, some years ago, we elected a governor by the name of Jesse Ventura who, previous to entering politics, had been a professional wrestler. He served a four-year-term. What happened during his four years, is the Republicans and the Democrats coalesced somewhat against him. Regardless of what happens (today), we'll move forward. I think we'll be fine one way or the other."