Steinbach Mayor Chris Goertzen has announced the final two appointments to the new Summer in the City governing board. They are Ange Guenther and Cassandra Milcharek. They join Jim Harms, Harold Laninga, Jon Sawatzky and Bill Richards who were appointed in November.

"Ange Guenther is a business owner on Main Street and Cassandra Milcharek has been involved with Summer in the City for quite a number of years. They're going to be a great addition to the Summer in the City governing board and we look forward to a great festival again this year."

When he announced the board last month, Goertzen explained the summer festival has grown to the point where it needs a formalized governing board to bring it to the next level. He says this is a group that won't be hands on in every little detail but rather will focus on the vision of the festival, making sure it's promoted appropriately and ensuring the finances are in place to continue its success.