
Southern Health/Santé Sud ended last year with an operating fund surplus of just under $59,000. Ken Klassen, Vice-president of Finance and Capital, says although 2012 was a very challenging year due to the merger of the health authorities, they always do their best to balance the budget, and coming out with a surplus is a positive sign.  

Klassen notes one of the challenges they are still trying to work through is the fact they don't know yet what their funding will be for this year, adding it's a bit of a moving target.  He says all the staff have worked very hard to make the amalgamation go as smoothly as possible, noting they are all looking for efficiencies and better ways of doing things.  

Klassen adds one of the benefits of being in a larger region is there's lots of different places to find best practices in all the health services they deliver.  He says they look forward to completing this fiscal year in which they've operated essentially as two regions in the process of being pulled together.  Klassen notes they are also eager to start off the next fiscal year April 1st as one truly consolidated health authority.