Steinbach city council has withdrawn its objection to the RM of Hanover's new Development Plan. The city had objected due to concern that the plan opened the door to commercial development along Highway #12 between Steinbach and Blumenort. More specifically, the concern was that such development would be allowed without full urban services like water and sewer as well as paved roads and parking lots. Mayor Chris Goertzen says Hanover has now removed that section from its Development Plan.

"We see the alterations that have taken place with their new Development Plan and council was pleased with the changes that they made and we very quickly withdrew our objection to them proceeding. We want to work together with our neighbours, we want to make sure that they are growing and that we are growing and that we're doing it in an efficient way. Their changes reflect exactly that."

Goertzen explains why it is so important that a high level of services be maintained in areas that border the city.

"Urban services are important to have throughout the transition zones between Steinbach and Blumenort because we are very quickly growing into a larger centre that encompasses all of these. So, to have sewer and water and hard surfaces (paved roads and parking lots) is important and I think we're going to move forward in a constructive way with the RM of Hanover to make sure that we have an efficient area for our citizens and theirs."

Goertzen adds that city council is pleased that throughout these difficult discussions, their relationship with Hanover has remained intact.

"Relationships aren't tested when we all agree, they're tested when we don't agree. We see clearly that there have been good discussions, there has been ongoing work done by our administration and theirs and I think we need to certainly continue to strive to work together with our neighbours because we are strong if they are stronger."