The City of Steinbach is receiving $947,678 as part of the Federal Safe Restart Funding Program.

Mayor Earl Funk says this money was divvied out to municipalities by the province on a per-capita basis which works out to about $60 per person. He notes there are no strings attached which means each municipality can decide what to do with the money they are given.

"Every councillor, including myself as mayor, we all have a project we'd like to see go but we will have to discuss that. Right now, it will probably be electronically deposited very shortly and we will move it into a reserve and then after we have deliberated and decided what to do with it, that is when we will take it out and use it."

Funk says even though a city the size of Steinbach has a very large budget, this amount of money will not go unnoticed.

"It definitely makes a difference, everything helps. Sometimes a half a million dollars from the province or the federal government on a project makes all the difference and so a million dollars makes a huge difference."