Acclaimed Canadian pianist Jon Kimura Parker describes Madeline Hildebrand as “an extraordinary young artist whose communicative skills convey the essence of all that she plays. Her pianism is of the highest level, and she has an instinctive understanding of beautiful sound.”

Madeline grew up in Steinbach. She started her piano study right here in southeastern Manitoba. She is now studying for her doctorate in New York but thanks to Covid, we have her here in our province for a bit. That makes it possible for her to be at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre to perform her Livestream concert! She is excited to share an amazing program complete with some storytelling by Madeline herself. 

Celebrating our local artists is something we love doing and Madeline is one of the best. 

Here are the concert details: 

Date: 7:00 pm CST Sunday, January 24, 2021

Location: Livestreamed from SAC’s own Steinbach Credit Union Studio, reaching you wherever you are!

Not sure how a livestream works? Visit our Livestream FAQs, or give us a call at 204.346.1077.