A group of residents in Ste. Anne is working on setting up a food bank. Hank Klassen of Southeast Helping Hands in Steinbach says Ste. Anne is outside their catchment area and Ste. Anne residents, who need a food bank, have had to go to Winnipeg Harvest. Klassen says he offered his help in setting up a food bank.

Hank Klassen"I said to them, 'If you get a committee, I will help you make it work.' So they phoned and we're going to go down and set it up. The need is great and it's nice to see that people are getting involved and see the need for it, so it's a win-win."

He adds a meeting has been set up Thursday to get the ball rolling. Klassen expects things will happen fairly quickly.

"I'm hoping they'll be able to do it before Christmas. Drive Away Hunger already gave them the base (of food supplies) so, if we can help them top up, then that's what's going to happen."