A plan to expand the lagoon in St. Pierre remains on track. Janine Wiebe is the Chief Administrative Officer for the village. She tells us the $1.3 million project is on target to begin in spring.

St. Pierre CAO Janine Wiebe"We just got a notice from Manitoba Sustainable Development that the Environmental Act Licence is on its last process. So we're hoping to hear from them in the next couple of weeks. Our engineers are working on the wording for the tender which should be going out very shortly. We're looking at spring construction."

There has been a moratorium on development in St. Pierre until there is more lagoon capacity. Wiebe says they expect developers will be able to get going again this fall.

"We'll have our third cell going live this fall so we will have enough storage for the winter season. We've had quite a few subdivisions on hold, just waiting for this project to be completed."

The federal government is paying for half of the project with the province and St. PIerre each paying 25%.

Read more:

St. Pierre Gets More Money Than Expected For Lagoon Expansion