Due to a few instances of vandalism this summer, Blumenort Parks and Recreation are installing security cameras at some of their facilities.

Jenel Fehr, a Member of the Recreation Committee Board, suggests the Splash Pad and Recreation Center, located in Abe G. Penner Park, will soon be home to five or six security cameras in order to prevent more destructive acts.

Smashed in bucket at Blumenort splash padFehr notes there are two recent incidents that largely propel this new security project. First, in May, people got into the pump shed and fiddled with the splash pad’s controls until a sensor blew. Second, Fehr says, a bucket at the splash pad was deliberately smashed in.

“We just decided with all of this going on, hopefully we can catch the people doing it, or at least deter them. There is no reason for something like that to get vandalized. It's not hurting anyone,” Fehr explains.

According to Fehr, about a dozen residents stepped up to help Blumenort Parks and Recreation afford these new security cameras. She specifically thanks local Chad Richardson, who donated a large chunk of the necessary funds.

Ultimately, Fehr hopes the cameras will prevent future vandalism, allow people to more fully enjoy the public park, and keep it in great condition.