Soil moisture levels are well above average for this time of year in southeastern Manitoba.

On Tuesday, the province released its Basins Condition Report. It suggests the United States portion of the Red River watershed has record high soil moisture levels.

Since November, precipitation is tracking below to well-below normal in most parts of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. However, in the U.S. portions of the Red River, precipitation is up to three times the normal amount.

Frost depth is below normal in most areas, which is considered favourable. As moist and frozen soils reduce infiltration of meltwater and increase spring run-off, below-normal frost depth is considered a favourable condition in reducing the extent of spring run-off.

Base flows and levels in Manitoba rivers have been declining since the fall but are still above normal for southern Manitoba.

Manitoba's Hydrologic Forecast Centre is starting to build its first full Flood Outlook, which will be released in late February. Forecasters will compile data from several sources including points south and west of Manitoba. Weather developments from now through April will largely determine the occurrence, extent and severity of spring run-off in 2020.