RCMP report there were fewer impaired drivers charged during the holiday season this year than last year.

More than 11,000 vehicles were stopped provincewide during the month long Holiday Checkstop Program. Eighty people were charged with Impaired Driving, compared to 105 last year. Of the 80, there were 67 for alcohol, two for drugs and 11 refusals.

Police issued 24 alcohol-related tiered suspensions, three drug-related tiered suspensions and 17 immediate roadside prohibitions.

Police report 11 people lost their lives in nine traffic-related collisions during the month, which is up considerably from the five traffic-related fatalities a year earlier.

Meanwhile, week four of the program saw more than 300 vehicles checked within the Steinbach detachment area, with one Immediate Roadside Prohibition Warning. The St. Pierre detachment held no checkstops in week four, but had one Immediate Roadside Prohibition Fail.