The province is expanding its free provincial park entry in mid-July.

the parks and all they have to offer.

Traditionally, there is free entry to Manitoba provincial parks on Canada’s Park Day weekend, however, this year the Manitoba government will allow free entry to provincial parks for a full week from July 12th to 18th instead. This will allow visitors to take advantage of the parks and all they have to offer.

"We have been listening to how much Manitobans love their provincial parks and when the idea was raised by members of the public to expand the free access, we enthusiastically embraced it," said Conservation and Climate Minister, Sarah Guillemard. "All Manitobans should have the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors and we are pleased to offer free park entry for a full week this summer."

Vehicle permits will not be required at any provincial park from July 12 to 18, but overnight camping fees will continue to apply.

While being outdoors and active is important for physical and mental health, COVID-19 public health orders must be followed.