After only two months of preparation, Godspell took to the stage and thrilled the community with wonderful music and unforgettable performances. 

"There's no better feeling than putting on a community event like that," Co-Director David Klassen said Monday morning. "Really, just bringing people together in the room and giving them something amazing to watch, telling a really cool story, especially this year having community production back for our region. Getting to celebrate people coming together and having a really strong sense of what community really is."

Klassen says he and co-director Jeremy Plett were very humbled by just how much people loved the show. "Everything we heard was completely positive. It was so neat to hear people talk about what that story, how it connected with them. All the different things they noticed. It was a very unique production, it had a lot of improv feel to it, had some really great '70s rock music throughout, so it was received really positively, so we were really happy to bring that to the community."

It's not just ticket sales but the positive comments that help guide Klassen into productions the community wants to see.

"We know for a fact that people want to see their own community members on the stage. They want to see people contribute to a really healthy community environment. Those community productions really provide that for everyone. We try and keep lots of variety in what we produce, in terms of community production. Our wheels are always turning, trying to get more people involved and use the gifts of the people who are close to us as best we can."

Always thinking ahead, Klassen says planning what's next is always something they're thinking about.

"There are always plans. We're right in the thick of planning the next season. Next year happens to be our 45th anniversary, so we're really considering the best next community production we can put on for an anniversary year. Those take a lot of time to put together and to put all the pieces in place in order to make them happen. There's a great deal of behind-the-scenes work but we're well into it."