The Steinbach Pistons have been honoured with the 2018-19 Canadian Junior Hockey League Declaration of Principles Award. This is the first year it has been presented. The award was created by the NHL and NHL Player's Association to recognize junior hockey teams that advance policies, programs and initiatives, while inspiring fans, players and communities to create the best possible experience for the entire hockey community.

The award was presented Friday evening, prior to the Pistons' season opening game.

Pistons' General Manager Paul Dyck says the team has made a big commitment to developing young men, not just as hockey players, but as community leaders and mentors.

"In 2012, when our new ownership group and our new board were established, we had numerous discussions about community involvement. It looked a little different than it does today. Initially, I believe we had a goal of 750 hours, giving back 750 hours to the community during the hockey season. That has grown. I think we've doubled it now, our goal this year is around 1,500 hours."

He adds it's not just the time spent giving service to the community, but also the many different initiatives they've developed that are being recognized.

"Our message here is that it's greater than hockey. It can't just be on the ice. We're looking at being high achievers, so to speak, on both sides. It's truly an honour and humbling to be selected the one team out of 132 in Canada (to receive this award)."

Dyck says there are many benefits to this type of involvement.

"We've seen young players go into elementary schools and feel intimidated by a classroom of kids and by the end of the season they are speaking in front of the whole school, maybe at an assembly. So I think it stretches them in many areas. They're helping a young individual grow, but we see they're the ones that are largely benefiting from that as well, so it's definitely a mutual relationship where both sides are benefiting. So, we're very grateful. This community has been great to us and it's a small way that we can give back."