It’s Friday, February 2nd, Groundhog Day, a tradition many Manitobans pay particular attention to, especially if it's been a bitterly cold winter to this point.

It hasn't been a traditional winter in any way for Southern Manitoba, especially the last week or so when temperatures have soared well above zero, even into the double digits in a few places.

Setting aside the record setting daytime highs the last few days, what did our province's furry forecaster have to tell us? To quickly review, if Manitoba Merv sees his shadow on Groundhog Day, that means six more weeks of winter. If he does not see his shadow, an early Spring is on the way.

Oak Hammock Marsh, near Winnipeg, is home to Manitoba Merv, and his spokesperson Paige told us Friday morning he did see his shadow, meaning more winter to come. But, if the winter to come is like the winter we've had so far, we don't think too many will complain about that.