Our provincial government has introduced legislation that would allow Manitobans to grow up to four cannabis plants per residence.

Justice Minister Matt Wiebe announced Wednesday that amendments to the Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act would permit this for Manitobans aged 19 and over.

"Manitoba will now align with federal legislation on cannabis by allowing people to grow up to four plants per residence," says Wiebe. "This amendment is a direct response to Manitoba consumers and was one of our campaign promises. This bill will provide Manitobans the opportunity to grow their own cannabis as long as it is done in a safe and secure way. The regulatory framework will prioritize public safety, with a focus on protecting youth and ensuring cannabis plants are not accessible to young people."

Proposed amendments would repeal the prohibition of the residential cultivation of cannabis in the Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act and allow adults aged 19 and over to grow up to four cannabis plants per residence, the maximum permitted under the federal Cannabis Act. The Minister says safety and security requirements for homegrown cannabis would be established as a part of the regulation.