Steinbach city council has picked a location for its Canada 150 Mosaic project. Steinbach is one of 150 communities in the country to receive federal funding to develop a mosaic mural to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday in 2017. City spokesperson Heather Chambers Ewen says the 12 foot by 8 foot mosaic will go up on the exterior wall of the Jake Epp Library next to the main entrance and will be a permanent fixture there. She adds they are now inviting residents to help choose the theme for that work of art.

"We're looking for them to help us to identify the key mural image. So we need one image that's going to represent Steinbach, an image that represents our community. It might be an historical image, it might be something that just represents our citizens but we do need some feedback from our community to tell us what key item or iconic image we should include in this mural."

Chambers Ewen says there is a link on the city's website where people can give their input. City council will make a final decision in the summer on the focal image. Then, this fall, Chamber Ewen says interested residents will be invited to each paint one of the tiles that make up the mosaic.

"We're going to be looking for participants from our community, from organizations, from all over Steinbach to actually come in and actually paint a tile. There are approximately 600 tiles that we're going to actually paint and that will create our huge big mural."

She notes the iconic theme of the mosaic will be imbedded in those tiles. Chambers Ewen says the library site was chosen because it is accessible to the public at all times for viewing.