The Western Women’s Canadian Football League is growing in popularity and two women from the Southeast are getting in on the action.

The WWCFL has eight teams across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. The Prairie Conference consists of two teams based in Winnipeg, one team in Regina, and one team in Saskatoon.

La Broquerie Resident Tammy Plett has worked as a security guard at Investor's Group Field for the last five seasons. She notes that is how she got connected with the Winnipeg Fearless Team.

The Fearless in practice jerseys. Tammy Plett is #22“The women from the Fearless team in Winnipeg were volunteering at my gate, I supervise a gate there and they were like ‘you look pretty athletic’, watching me run around there and they said 'you should try out at our rookie camp’. January I showed up for rookie camp and they invited me back so that was pretty exciting.”

Plett says her daughter Ally Botha who works as a trainer at a local gym in Steinbach also made the team as a wide receiver. She says football has always been a sport that creates leaders and teaches teamwork so it is amazing to now have a comparative league for women.

“We are athletic. Lots of women like to play sports and football has not really been offered to women so I think women playing against women is awesome. We work hard, we push each other hard but we also encourage each other, it is like a family unit, it is pretty exciting.”

Plett says their team has full contact practices several times a week with one day each week set aside for video review. She notes the league was started in 2011 and has gotten more competitive each year.

The Fearless team that Tammy Plett and Ally Botha play for will have their home opener at the St. Vital Mustangs Football Club on May 26th.

The Fearless playing the Regina Riot in 2018