After serving for over ten years as Program Director at the Mennonite Heritage Village, Anne Toews has decided to retire.

Toews says when she started as Program Director in May of 2007, she didn’t know much about the place but notes she had a lot of help and great volunteers that were willing to teach her and help her along the way.

She says the 10 years have gone by so fast.

"It’s gone by very quickly and it’s been a good ten years. I’ve learned a lot of valuable stuff, I’ve met absolutely wonderful people both through volunteers, tourists, and entertainment that I’ve had the privilege of booking for our festivals. Those are the people that I’m really going to miss."

Toews made the announcement earlier this week that she will be retiring on November tenth. She says these ten years have gone by so quickly and adds it’s all because of the wonderful people she’s met along the way.

"One of the things I will always remember and cherish is our volunteers. They are absolutely amazing people. They have been patient and have helped me and taught me, they’ve been just so amazing the place just couldn’t operate without them. I will miss the volunteers the most."

Toews says now it’s time to switch gears and spend more time with her family, specifically her grandchildren. Although leaving will be tough, Toews adds there some things that will always stay with her.

"Every person that you meet, you always take a little bit with you from that person and that is something that will always stick with me."

MHV Executive Director Barry Dyck says they are taking this time to reflect and re-evaluate but notes the position of Program Director will remain vacant for the time being. He adds Anne has made significant contributions over the years and they will be missed.