Corny Rempel of Mix 96 is hitting the road this month, visiting 24 different schools across the Southeast and he is bringing books and gifts. 

February is I Love to Read month and this tour is a great way to share the love of reading, stories and a few laughs. 

Students at Richer School get to start their day today with a few good stories read by Corny. The tour then makes a stop at Blumenort School for some more fun. 

On Tuesday, the show hits Woodlawn School and Crystal Springs, followed by readings on February 28th at Stony Brook and Clearspring middle schools. 

February 29th will see the tour head south to Shevchenko School in Vita, before wrapping up on March 1st at Ste. Anne Immersion and Elementary School.

Two children beside Corny Rempel at a school assembly.

At each school, Corny leaves behind a gift of $100 from Fairway Ford to purchase new library books. 

Even after several years of I Love to Read tours, Corny is just as passionate about visiting schools as he was during the very first tour.

Why does he fill up every February with school visits?

"There is nothing quite like the wonder on a child’s face when you read them a well imagined story! In every school, I ask the kids to raise their hand if they genuinely love reading. Then I ask the kids to raise their hand if they like reading just a little bit. Then I ask the big question, “Who Hates Reading!?!” The kids are relieved because they can finally be honest about it, and raise their hand.

"When I reveal to the kids, that I also hated reading when I was a kid, an audible gasp of shock fills the room! I explain to the kids that when I read, the words in the sentences sometimes get mixed up in my head, so I have to go back and read it over again until it makes sense.

"So, when I ask the kids, if it’s OK with them if I make some mistakes while I’m reading, they give me a reassuring “yes!” Not only does that give me permission to make mistakes, because I’m still not good at reading, it also gives the kids confidence to read aloud in public. Because if Corny Rempel can do it, even though he’s not very good at reading, so can they.
Also, when the kids from 24 different schools, meet me at the grocery store and want to come say hi because they know me from reading in their school, I absolutely love that!"

@steinbach_online Corny Rempel is touring 24 schools for the I LOVE TO READ tour with FAIRWAY FORD! Here he os reading The Book With No Pictures. @B.J. Novak @@cornyelvisjohnny##thebookwithnopictures##bookwithnopictures##bjnovak##steinbach##manitoba##ilovetoread ♬ original sound - SteinbachOnline