A provincial spokesperson has confirmed two people died in Manitoba over the weekend, in relation to the hot weather.

(Tuesday's forecast calls for a mainly sunny sky with a high of 26 degrees.)According to Manitoba Health, Senior and Active Living, the two deaths were the result of hyperthermia, which is an abnormally high body temperature caused by a failure of the heat-regulating systems of the body to deal with the heat load from a combination of metabolic heat, environmental factors and clothing requirements.

Manitoba Health is working with the Chief Medical Examiner to confirm a cause of death, as well as a potential association with drug use.

There is no information on where the individuals were from, nor their gender or age.

Manitobans are reminded to be diligent during extreme heat, to be aware of the temperature and be prepared.

Environment Canada is calling for a high of 26 degrees today. By Saturday, the high is only expected to reach 21 degrees.