With many gardens planted as early as May long weekend, gardeners in the Southeast have already had to deal with frost a few times this year and they may need to again Tuesday night.

Environment Canada is calling for a low of four degrees with a risk of frost overnight here in Steinbach.

Dorinda Penner is the owner of Sunshine Nursery and Greenhouse. She says some gardens have experienced significant damage from frost this spring but it is a problem that is largely avoidable and there are some things you can look out for.

"You have more of a chance of frost if you are sitting in a low lying area. Something to pay attention to are clear skies, if we have overcast and some stronger winds we don't seem to see that frost catching on the ground."

Penner says she has had some customers come back to the greenhouse to pick up replacement plants for ones that have been significantly damaged by frost but for the most part, local gardeners have been taking precautions when there is a chance of frost. She adds it is probably a good idea to take steps to protect your plants this evening.

"Plants that have been in the ground for the last week or two weeks they have adjusted to some of these temperatures, that being said, a frost will still take care of them so if you are in an open area and you are subject to that frost, tonight would be the night that I might look at putting on a blanket or setting an alarm and getting up bright and early before the rooster crows."