Two vehicles collided at the intersection of First and Brandt knocking over a fire hydrant in the process.

Constable Denis Redikop, says the accident occurred at around 12 PM after a pick-up truck slid through a stop sign on First Street and side-swiped a southbound semi while trying to turn left onto Brandt. From there, the truck’s momentum continued, carrying it over the curb and into a fire hydrant.

According to Redikop, nobody was injured, though City of Steinbach crews will now need to deal with the damaged fire hydrant.

"The City of Steinbach has been contacted and they'll attend and do what they need to do."

Heppner does not expect the fire hydrant repairs to take very long

Mike Heppner, the Manager of Waterworks for Steinbach notes that if this accident had happened fifty years ago the City may have had a serious flooding issue on their hands. Now, however, all new hydrants are built with safety break flanges.

“This prevents the hydrant from gushing water when the body gets taken off.”

If this is a typical break, Heppner says his crews may already have it fixed by the end of the day, though he admits there is room for complications. “In the worst case scenario we may need to order parts in... and if the lower barrel is damaged there may be some excavation required.”

In the meantime, Heppner indicates that the Fire Department will need to be notified.

“We let them know so in the event that they do happen to get called to that particular area they know not to use that fire hydrant,” explains Heppner. “It prevents them from having to change plans last minute by giving them a little bit of a heads up.”


Both vehicles involved sustained some damage