Ethan with his prized IPod!

Ethan Rempel, a grade seven student from Steinbach Christian High School, won this iPod by drawing an anti-smoking poster. 

Ethan created a poster as part of a provincial anti-smoking campaign. Two posters were selected from his class to be sent to Manitoba Health as part of a contest. One of those posters was his.

The poster shows a young boy sleeping on the couch, who is woken up by the sound of his father coughing; the father happens to be a smoker. Rempel says the young boy in the poster is him.

Ethan shared with us that his dad likes smoking a lot and often in the morning he wakes up and coughs badly. Ethan says as a young boy he would wake up from his father coughing.

Then it shows a person coughing into the sink and says Don't Wake Your Kids Up This Way, Don't Smoke."

As a result, the poster will be turned into a television advertisement and Rempel has also received an iPod Touch 4th Generation as a reward.

Listen to the whole conversation in the AM1250 podcasts