Crews put the final touches on Shady Acres Lane

Some major road repairs near La Broquerie are moving ahead thanks to provincial funding.  RM of La Broquerie Reeve Claude Lussier says the RM made application to Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization with respect to spring flooding.  EMO finally approved the request and agreed to pay for the reconstruction of some of the worst roads in the RM.  Gueret Road, Shady Acres Lane and Carriere Drive are a few of the places where work will be done.

He notes the work done on Shady Acres is more than just a quick fix, rather it's a complete rebuilding of the road.  This means residents were not allowed to drive their vehicles into the area Monday and part of tuesday this week.  Reeve Lussier explains twenty four residents were given notices to park on Loewen Boulevard and walk in to their properties while the work was completed. 

He adds this road was one of the worst this spring with frost boils and ruts in muddy areas.  Residents had come together to ask council to do something about the matter and Reeve Lussier notes repairs would have moved forward regardless of EMO funding.