Steinbach's RCMP Staff Sergeant says making a complete stop at a stop sign is one big step to avoiding accidents.

The RCMP advisory committee held a stop sign initiative at the corner of Loewen Boulevard and Henry Street. Harold Laninga explains they use this initiative to educate drivers about the importance of coming to a complete stop at stop signs.

"This is our fifth annual 'I stop I don't just slow down' campaign," says Laninga who notes they rewarded drivers who came to a complete stop with coupons from various restaurants in Steinbach. "We do this just to hopefully have some fun with it and reward people for stopping properly but also this is our second year in a row that we've got one of our vehicles pulling people over who aren't stopping properly."

Laninga adds for those who don't come to a complete stop, they are explaining to those drivers what it means to come to a complete stop and in some cases even handing out tickets. He notes many accidents occur because people are not properly stopping at stop signs so he adds the goal is just to get the word out and keep the streets safe.

Laninga says during the two hours they were out, they observed 850 vehicles. 513 of which made a complete stop but the remaining 337 did not. He adds 90 gift cards were handed out thanks to local businesses. Laninga notes seven people were charged for not stopping and he adds the penalty for failing to stop sign is $203 along with 2 demerits. 

He says they keep the stats from year to year to see if Steinbach drivers are getting the memo.

Read More: Just Stop, It Could Save A Life