What do you do you when you've got some new baby chicks in your house and you're a professional photographer?  Well...you make sure you get some photos of course! 

Mitchell photographer Charmaine Toews grabbed her camera and set to work capturing these cute baby chicks they had recently added to their family's henhouse.  20 new little chicks arrived on a Friday and as the family was sitting around the table, her daughters Sienna and Nadia suggested taking some pictures of them. 

It started out with a barbie sized football helmet and a firetruck, which they found to be fun and then the ideas started rolling in! Those baby chicks were in a full modelling session that Sunday afternoon! Charmaine said,  "I just started digging in the girls barbie and doll stuff and we've just been playing the last couple days!"

They jumped into the project and had to move quickly because the "cute factor" for chicks is short.  Charmaine said the chicks are already getting feathers and it's getting hard to find those "cute" angles, they had 2 to 3 days to make these photos happen.  

Because of the delicate nature of the chicks and their inability to take any sort of weight on their heads, some of these photos are actually composite photos.  Her daughters would lightly hold the hat on the chick's head to alleviate any weight which would cause them to fall over and Charmaine would edit out the hand after the fact.

As a newborn and baby photographer Charmaine says that photographing chicks is MUCH easier, way easier than kittens.  Chicks aren't as easily distracted like kittens and babies, they don't look at you when you make a noise, other than them falling asleep and having to clean up chick poop, it's been easy. 

Sienna and Nadia's attention to this project has waned, but...NOT for Charmaine, "I'm not gonna lie, I'm still thinking of ideas! I might do a crossfit chick yet, because I go to crossfit, it just feels like I shouldn't leave that one out." So...keep your eyes out for a crossfit chick maybe a chick lifting some weights? 

Charmaine has appreciated the change of the subject in front of her camera. "It was really just to entertain myself, I thought it was funny I just did it for something fun to do on the weekend. Sometimes it's nice when you're profession is photography, it's nice to something that is just purely for fun and not with any real goal in mind, but to get a good chuckle."

Definitely a good chuckle. Check out these cute chicks!